First Snow

10/21/09 Snowy Picnic

A nice ethereal dusting of snow seems to always produce good photos. It enhances shape, texture and contrast, but only when its light enough. Huge blankets and large drifts of snow just bury it all.

50 Winter Photographs
Hermes Sarapuu


Anonymous said...

Cool shot. I love the lines the gaps in the table produce. Nicely done.

I enjoyed the 50 winter photos, but I have to wonder how many were "enhanced" by the artist. I love the second pic, where the trees and ditch were "frosted" and the picture was taken in the middle of the road. But pictures 12 & 15 seem too good to be true.

Anyway, thanks for tracking down interesting links. Not only are you more adventurous in life, but on the web as well.

---Eric (because I'm too lazy to sign in)

Anonymous said...

I always love the first snow of the Fall, even if it is early and signals a long winter to come. Can't wait to see what you do with the big snowfalls. -Rach